- Table of Contents
1. What is Ragha'ib Night?
2. When is Ragha'ib Night?
3. What is the Importance of Ragha'ib Night?
4. What Worships Should Be Done on Ragha'ib Night?
5. Fasting on Ragha'ib Night
6. Three Holy Months and Receb-i Şerif
7. Virtue of Giving and Generosity on Ragha'ib Night
8. Can I Make a Generous Contribution with Qurban.uk on Ragha'ib Night?
9. Latest Articles
10. Quick Donation Form
What is Ragha'ib Night?
The first Friday night of Receb-i Şerîf is Ragha'ib Night. This night is called Ragha'ib, as the angels show great interest in this night. This is the night when Hz. Âmine realized that she was carrying the mercy for the worlds, the last-time prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa (sallallâhü aleyhi ve sellem) in her womb.
Our Prophet (sallallâhü aleyhi ve sellem) said:
“Do not be heedless of the first Friday night of Receb-i Şerîf. Because the angels have named this night as Ragha'ib. When one-third of this night passes, no angel remains in the heavens or on earth, and all gather around the Kaaba. Allah (swt) observes their states and says, 'O my angels, ask whatever you wish from me.' They reply, 'O our Lord, we ask you to forgive those who fast during the month of Receb.' Allah (swt) responds, 'I have forgiven them.'”
When is Ragha'ib Night?
The first Friday night of the seventh month of the Hijri calendar, Receb-i Şerîf, is Ragha'ib Night.
Due to the difference in the number of days between the Gregorian and Hijri calendars, Islamic holy days and nights are tracked according to the Hijri calendar. The Hijri (Lunar) calendar is based on the Moon's orbit around the Earth. This divine wisdom ensures that the blessings of these holy days and nights benefit every day of the year. For example, Ramadan shifts back by 10 days every year, spreading its blessings across all Gregorian months over time.
To answer the question of when Ragha'ib Night will be in 2025: according to the Hijri calendar, days begin at sunset of the previous day. Thus, Thursday night transitioning into Friday is considered Friday night. Therefore, in 2025, Ragha'ib Night will be observed on the night connecting Thursday, January 2nd, to Friday, January 3rd. May Allah (swt) grant the entire Muslim ummah the ability to benefit from its blessings and light.

What is the Importance of Ragha'ib Night?
Ragha'ib Night is one of the blessed nights in Islam, carrying immense spiritual significance. This night is a time of mercy and blessings, where believers turn to Allah (swt) for forgiveness and engage in acts of worship. According to Hadiths, Allah (swt) opens the doors of mercy wide and multiplies the rewards for worship performed on this special night. Ragha'ib Night also marks the initial step of our Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) arrival in this world. It is the night when Hz. Amine understood that she was carrying the beloved Prophet, whose soul transitioned from the realm of spirits to the physical world.
The significance, beauty, and blessings of this holy night stem from our beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw), who is the reason for the creation of the entire universe. On this night, when his soul connected to the physical world, the entire universe was filled with tranquility, peace, and joy.
On this sacred night, where the smallest act of worship is rewarded manifold, it is essential to remember our Prophet and to glorify Allah (swt), who made this night a reality. May Allah (swt) grant us the honor of receiving His intercession.
What Worships Should Be Done on Ragha'ib Night?
Scholars have emphasized the importance of honoring Ragha'ib Night and recommended specific worships for this blessed night. These acts of worship are not obligatory but are highly encouraged as they are spiritually rewarding and pleasing to Allah (swt).
On Ragha'ib Night, a 12-unit (rak’at) special prayer (Hâcet Namazı) is performed between Maghrib and Isha. This prayer is performed in sets of two rak’ats, and during each rak’at, after Surah Fatiha, 3 times Surah Al-Qadr and 12 times Surah Al-Ikhlas are recited.
After completing the prayer, 7 times Salât-ı Ümmiyye is recited, followed by prostration (sujood).
The Salât-ı Ümmiyye is:
“Allâhümme salli alâ seyyidinâ Muhammedini’n-Nebiyyi’l-ümmiyyi ve alâ âlihî ve sahbihî ve sellim.”
During the first sujood, recite 70 times:
“Sübbûhun Kuddûsün Rabbünâ ve Rabbü’l-melâiketi ve’r-Rûh.”
Then rise from sujood and recite once:
“Rabbiğfir verham ve tecâvez ammâ ta’lem. İnneke ente’l-e’azzü’l-ekrem.”
Perform sujood again and recite another 70 times:
“Sübbûhun Kuddûsün Rabbünâ ve Rabbü’l-melâiketi ve’r-Rûh.”
After completing the sujood, offer a heartfelt supplication (dua). While praying, invoke Allah (swt) with the following words:
“Allâhümme bârik lenâ Recebe ve Şa’bâne ve belliğnâ Ramazân.”
During the day of Ragha'ib Night, i.e., Friday, between Zuhr and Asr, a 4-rak’at gratitude prayer can be performed. In each rak’at, 1 Fatiha, 7 Ayat al-Kursi, 5 Surah Al-Ikhlas, 5 Surah Al-Falaq, and 5 Surah An-Nas are recited.
After completing the prayer, recite 25 times:
“Lâ havle velâ kuvvete illâ billâhi’l-aliyyi’l-azîmi’l-kebîri’l-müteâl,” and 25 times “Estağfirullâhe’l-azîm ve etûbü ileyk,” asking for forgiveness, and then supplicate to Allah (swt).